Cinderella escape 2 revenge game over
Cinderella escape 2 revenge game over

We will cycle through all the rankers until they have nominated and then the round will end. After decisions have been made on those films, the next ranker on will do the same thing, nominate a predetermined number of films (you can not nominate anyone who was just saved in the last set of cuts though) and the other rankers will save one and eliminate one. Since this is a ranking you should have a writeup prepared for whatever film you're cutting to explain your reasoning (they don't have to be too long, I expect just a minimum of 100 words). To eliminate and save once the nominations have been revealed, it's first come first serve so get to it fast!

cinderella escape 2 revenge game over

Whoever is chosen to nominate first will nominate a predetermined amount films and the other rankers will have 24 hours to save one film and eliminate one. At the beginning of the round will determine the order the rankers will nominate. We will have a predetermined amount of rankers that will embark on a mission to collectively rank every film of the decade. Two years since the 2010's Rankdown and we are back to be petty, discuss, fight, and rank the films of the 2000's! This will also be another double-cycle to make things more interesting and so I have to come up with less cycles in general And obviously as the cycle goes on, the list of eligible films will get smaller and smaller. All of the nominated films are highlighted on the front page. All your nominees must be of films that have not been nominated yet this game.

cinderella escape 2 revenge game over cinderella escape 2 revenge game over

Every film who has been nominated so far this game is off the hook. Honoring the brave and fearful superhero Underdog, this cycle will benefit the underdogs of the game! It's the dreaded never nominees cycle.

Cinderella escape 2 revenge game over